
Feb 12, 2009

Dreaming is gratis

bureaucracy |byoŏˈräkrəsē| noun ( pl. -cies) a system of government in which most of the important decisions are made by state officials rather than by elected representatives.
• a state or organization governed or managed according to such a system.
• the officials in such a system, considered as a group or hierarchy.
• excessively complicated administrative procedure, seen as characteristic of such a system eg: the unnecessary bureaucracy in local government.

I have not been able to post much this week. Say thank you to ruthless Italian red tape, traffic, foul weather (highly influencing my mood and functional skills), too short 24-hour days, menstrual cramps, E's tantrums, unemployment and a general money-chasing moment which has lasted too long.
There are however remedies to the above-mentioned obstacles to positive thinking. Many of them involve good food&drink, stimulating conversation, profuse usage of crayons and stickers, unexpected sunny days, reminding myself that the beach is only a 30km drive away, the company of friends and family, and dreaming.
I do that a lot lately. Dreaming (often with eyes open) and napping with E are among the best free-of-charge activities I like to engage in. They match very little else in terms of joy and satisfaction.
Right now my no.1 daydream entry is Escape. Here are a few images and thoughts associated with my latest reveries.

A lovely agriturismo in Alto Adige.

A hot air balloon ride.

A beautiful Pre-Raphaelite painting.

A gorgeous Tuscan landscape in Garfagnana.

A lazy midday ride on board the S. Giovanni.

Venice, period.

African skies.

Positano at sunset.


Hidden Mediterranean coves.

Sangiovese grapes.


E's art.

Local&organic oranges (self harvested).


  1. This is such an uplifting set of photos and thoughts. Truly a treat. It is so great that although you live there you still see the incredible beauty. Thanks for coming by.

  2. I remembered this post from a while ago and just came back cause am having one of those weeks too! Thank you for the pick up pics
