
May 8, 2011

Ricotta and cacao recipe

After snuggly morning wishes, a sloppy kiss and a wonderful drawing of the two of us, my son informed me that, "Mother's Day is also Childrens' Day."

I wouldn't be a mother if it weren't for him, so the kid did have a point.

I'm assuming the battery operated dump truck he's been coveting for the past week had something to do with his statement.

With the lovely Mother's Day celebrations behind us, I'm making a treat for my dad. He's not been feeling well lately, and there's always a sense of helplessness that comes with living on the other side of the world from him.

So tonight I'm making him virtual dessert. He never says no to the meal's sweet endings, and ricotta and cacao is one of his favorites.
ricotta and cacao recipe
Image ©

This dessert is refreshing and chocolaty, not too fattening, and essentially one that can be easily made at home, in a moment.

250 g (1 cup) fresh sheep's ricotta
5 tbsp. Dutch cocoa powder
2 tbsp. sugar
A pinch of ground cinnamon (optional)

fresh sheep's ricotta

Work the cocoa powder and sugar into the ricotta with a fork to obtain an even blend. The provided quantities depend greatly on individual taste, so go ahead and tweak as you wish.

Fill dessert goblets, champagne flutes or Martini glasses with the flavored cheese, dust the surface with more cocoa powder or chocolate sprinkles, add a dash of cinnamon, or garnish with finger biscuits, if you like.

If at all possible, use genuine, fresh sheep's ricotta. It's not always easy to find, but the natural flavor, aroma and softness of this product, paired with the bitter cocoa, is una meraviglia.

Get well soon, daddy.


  1. Happy Mothers Day Lola! after this virtual dessert, hope your Dad feels better...
    Enjoy :)

  2. sounds like a delicious day start to finish...happy mothers day lola!

  3. Hello. I am visiting your blog for the first time, and I am having a great time reading your previous post. But I loved this one. Your son sounds so adorable, and this recipe sounds like something I would love. I am going to have to give it a try. Happy Mother's Day.

    Cocina Diary

  4. uhmm delicious!!I will give it a try! sounds yummy!!

  5. Thank you Doodah daughter. It is absolutely one of my favorite can actually use some ground espresso beans with the chocolate or just as a variation..Mmmmm, Love to you and the crafty E. on Child and Mother's Day..Dad

  6. dear lola,

    i'm sorry to hear your dad is not feeling well - i'm sure he feels the love from his daughter across the world, as love knows no bounds or time zones.

    and chocolate plus ricotta? yes, please - and for me, probably in larger quantities than the precious little cups shown ;-)

    mother's day hugs xoxo


  7. So sounds delicious and I happen to have everything on hand to make some tonight. thanks

  8. Thank you!

    He actually does, thank you!

    Thanks my friend.

    Thank you for stopping by the kitchen, and for the lovely kudos. Please come, make yourself comfortable. Have some wine.

    It is! It is!! (thank you)

    Or better still: ground Sant'Eustachio choc-covered coffee beans! He he he... Glad you're feeling better.


    Happy belated Mother's Day to you too, my darling!

    Perfect! Let me know how it turns out ;)

  9. I've forgotten this lovely, simple dessert. My Nonna used to serve it to the children many years ago. Thank You for bringing back this memory. Will keep dad in my prayers. N

  10. That's such a sweet post! Literally and metaphorically!

    The Wanderfull Traveller

  11. Hi Lola,
    Sorry to learn that Deezer is censored in Italy... maybe you could listen to Eggplant here on YouTube, this one is really for you :

    Hope it works...

    If you can see it and you like it will I get a free dose of dessert here ???

  12. Elenora, how splendid but simple! I would love this dessert! I'll bet your Dad felt better just for having it made by you!

  13. Nanette~
    Thank you for your sweet comment. I'm happy when my stories and recipes elicit memories!

    Thank you! Yes, in fact he did soon feel better... who knows? ;)

  14. Your son's logic is impeccable, LOL! I think he should consider going into politics... ;)

  15. Eleonora, I did it and it is as delicious as it is simple. Loved it!
    Thanks for sharing.

  16. Frank~
    I adore the little smart-ass.

    Thank you again for linking to my recipe and sharing it with your followers!

  17. Oh YUM! This looks delish. So glad I stumbled across your blog :)
