
Aug 8, 2011

Abruzzo for the weekend

17th century church in Rocca Calascio
Santa Maria della Pietà, 17th century church, half way up the hike to Rocca Calascio

My dad, stepmother and friends came to visit us last week, and we were very excited to have them over. Without much planning, we decided to go to Abruzzo for the weekend. Here are just a few images of those two magical days.

Rocca Calascio, Abruzzo
the Rocca Calascio fortress

the view from Rocca Calascio, Abruzzo
panorama from Rocca Calascio, 1460 m elevation (Castel del Monte in the distance) 

Sextantio Albergo Diffuso, Abruzzo
View from my room ~ Sextantio Albergo Diffuso

Sextantio Albergo Diffuso, Abruzzo
our room is called "Camera sul campanile" – room overlooking the belfry 

sunset in Santo Stefano di Sessanio
Sunset at Santo Stefano di Sessanio

After dinner the restaurant serves homemade digestive bitters

Smiles. Plenty of them.


  1. purtroppo non conosco questa zona dell´Italia! che bella che grandezza questi campi, le montagne...!!! é arrivata l´ora di pensare ad un viaggetto mi sá! un bacio

  2. Colores~
    E allora DEVI assolutamente visitare questi luoghi!!
    Se vuoi mandami una email e ti do qualche dritta :)

  3. Isn't it enchanting? I was just there at that very hotel and visited Rocca Calascio and the church on the hilltop. Your beautiful photos bring it all back. Bellissime.

  4. CCLinda~
    I can't stay away from here too long. I fall in love with this place all over again each time I visit...
    Thanks for your comment :)

  5. Gorgeous photos of a beautiful place! At first I thought you meant the Castel del Monte here in Puglia! I thought, dang, the visibility is good there! ;-)

  6. Saretta~
    Funny how there are two towns with such (same) distinctive names! LOL about the 400 km visibility! baci

  7. The fortress is really interesting. How old is it?

  8. Jim~
    "The fortress was started in the tenth century as a single watchtower; a walled courtyard with four cylindrical towers at the corners around a taller inner tower was added in the thirteenth century." Click on the words Rocca Calascio in the fortress photo caption for more info :)

  9. An absolutely humbling view! I could imagine staying here for a weekend and preparing meals for my family and finishing off each night with a delicious glass of red or Rose.

    Thank you for sharing!

    The Wanderfull Traveler

  10. Murissa~
    This time we were treated to a wonderful stay in a hotel whose kitchen is manned by an illuminated chef, so no cooking this time!


    Thank you. Next time please, please don't inclue URLs in you comments! This is a tag-free comment area :) Grazie

  11. Beautiful beautiful pics! Thank you so much for sharing. I really love your site.


  12. Sono stata anch'io a Rocca Calascio, più o meno negli stessi giorni, anche se purtroppo solo per una scappata veloce dopo un giro a Navelli per prendere lo Zafferano. Al tramonto era incredibile.

  13. TV Food & Drink~
    Sorry for replying do late to your kind comment! Grazieee!

    Che coincidenza! Per motivi di tempo non siamo potuti andare a prendere lo zafferano nella piana di Navelli, mannaggia. Next time...
