
Jul 14, 2012

Where to eat in Rome's outskirts

eating in the Rome outskirts: a smart choice

I often find myself escaping the usual culinary itineraries, and seeking delectable refuge in out-of-the-way spots you can frequently get to with public transport that is oddly abundant and quite dependable. Most of these periferia places will give you a far warmer welcome than any Rome city restaurant, and surprisingly good food.
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1 comment:

  1. Eleonora,

    Hi. I've been reading your blog for quite some time...don't think I've ever commented before. I love coming here.
    I have been to Rome 2007 and then again last year. Mostly, we stayed in and around the Vatican (although this last time we took a trip to Assisi). There is one particular place that we've been to several times. It's called Dino & Tony's. Have you ever been there? I'm curious to know what you think of this place. Is it pretty typical for tourist food...or is it better than some? I ask because a couple of times a year, I find myself recommending this place to friends who will be traveling in the area. So far, I've only had one friend and her husband actually go there for a meal. They loved it and went a second night! If there is a place better, in that area, I'd like to keep it in mind for the next time I'm in Rome...hopefully sometime in the next two years! Thanks for your time!
