
Jan 22, 2013

4 years of blogging

This blog's birthday is coming up. Aglio, Olio e Peperoncino turns 4 years old on January 24th!

Thanks to blogging, and all that has happened since – and perhaps thanks to – that fortunate night when I wrote my first post, a lot has changed in my life. Through blogging and my activity on the social media, I have
  • changed careers, transforming my graphic design and showbiz past into a sweet memory. Now I'm relying on a steady income, and doing exactly what I love: writing about food and life in Italy
  • I have published 370 posts to date on AO+P alone, which gain a good average of daily pageviews (despite long periods of laziness)
  • positively improved my life pattern, which now includes plenty of playtime
  • as recipe tester and restaurant reviewer, I have upped my weight by several hundred pounds (working on reducing those figures)
  • as a food docent, I take foodies around Rome on delicious walking tours of my city
  • I have written scores of articles, guest posts and features on other websites other than my own
  • I have a column on a great online magazine
  • I was hired to write 2 guide books, and a travel handbook
  • I have written 2 manuscripts, working on a third
  • launched the Roma Every Day photoblog, the Forchettine blog and the Rome City Guide for Kids blog
  • garnered 2950 followers on Twitter
  • connected with 1400+ Facebook friends, and 7300 following my public updates
  • I recently purchased a second hand DSLR camera and a smartphone, through which I am learning the rudiments of photography
  • received press mentions on, and was interviewed by, some of Italy's major newspapers and international web platforms
  • starred in a web series in which I interview celebrity chefs
  • above all, I have built wonderful connections with hundreds of fellow bloggers, readers, fans and followers
think I deserve to take the day off to celebrate. 

This will probably happen in the company of my son, the inspiring muse behind all my food and lifestyle writing. Had it not been for his extraordinary eating requests, and his extensive naps, I never would have started blogging in the first place. 

Barring rain, I will be spending Jan. 24 outdoors and then seated at a table, eating spaghetti aglio olio e peperoncino, as a tribute to the luck this long and unpronounceable recipe name has brought me. 

Although the best spaghetti AO+P are the ones made at home, in the old grubby frying pan with the good olive oil, young garlic and the chili peppers from Calabria, I won't be cooking it on this blog's birthday, though. When I say "day off" I mean it. I'll decide where to dine on perfectly slippery, spicy, garlicky spaghetti on the day, with only a lazy stroll between me and the eatery's doorstep.

There are good trattorie that occasionally make this dish, but since it is one of those homestyle fixes everyone knows how to prepare (even Italian men!), it's hardly ever a restaurant menu item. Good thing is no trattoria or other informal osteria will ever raise eyebrows if you ask for a plate of AO+P, they might not even charge you for it.

This is just a small list of places where I can usually score some good Spaghetti Aglio, Olio e Peperoncino in Rome. Feel free to add names.
  • Da Lucia – Vicolo del Mattonato 2/B – Tel. 065803601 (Trasevere)  
  • Da Giovanni – Via della Lungara, 41/A – Tel. 066861514 (Trastevere) 
  • Da Francesco – Piazza del Fico, 29 – Tel. 066864009 (Navona) 
  • Agustarello a Testaccio – Via G. Branca, 98/100 – Tel. 065746585 (Testaccio)
  • Lo Scopettaro – Lungotevere Testaccio, 7 – Tel. 065757912 (Testaccio)  
  • Da Roberto – Via della Magliana, 763 – Tel. 066550662 (Portuense)  
  • Trattoria Ponte Mollo – Via Tor di Quinto, 11 – Tel. 063333608 (Flaminio)  
  • Hostaria Da Edmondo – Circonvallazione Clodia, 90 – Tel. 063701272 (Prati)  
  • Dar Pallaro – Largo del Pallaro, 13 – Tel. 0668801488 (Campo de' Fiori)  
  • La Capanna – Piazza Dante, 23 – Tel. 06730369 (Esquilino)  
  • Pommidoro – Piazza dei Sanniti, 44 – Tel. 064452692 (San Lorenzo)  
  • Cul de Sac – Piazza Pasquino, 73 – Tel. 0668801094 (Navona)  
  • Buccone – Via di Ripetta, 19 – Tel. 063612154 (Piazza del Popolo)  
  • Armando al Pantheon – Salita dei Crescenzi, 31 – Tel. 0668803034 (Pantheon)
  • Li Rioni a Santiquattro – Via Dei Santi Quattro, 24 – Tel. 0670450605 (Testaccio)
  • Fontanella al 30 – Via del Pigneto, 30 – Tel. 0670613871 (Pigneto)
  • Osteria La Quercia – Piazza della Quercia 23, – Tel. 068300932 (Campo de' Fiori)

Happy Birthday, Aglio, Olio e Peperoncino!


  1. Congrats to you and what great achievements! Your blog is amazing and Italy is a great place to write about for sure! Here is to another solid 4 years for you....many more actually I am sure will be happening!!

    NYC Style and a little Cannoli

    1. Grazie Rosemary! I am lucky, living in Italy provides such amazing daily inspiration :)

  2. Congratulations and celebrations, Eleonora!
    Well done, and you earned every moment of it, you truly did.
    Wishing you the very best for the future,

    Du you remember the little trattoria at Piazza della Quercia? As a student, it was the cheapest place around. I was able to afford either spaghetti AO+P (250 lire) or, if I was in a mood for a splurge, carbonara (a lurxury for me, at 450 lire). Great food! ;-)

    1. Thank you Merisina, how sweet of you. The Osteria in Piazza della Quercia is still there, still good and cheap, although prices have swelled a bit... I will definitely add it to the list of AO+P options. Un abbraccio

  3. Happy Birthday and congratulations on a job well done!

  4. Congratulations on your accomplishments. It's amazing that those of us who stuck with our blogs and built on our passion have seen many wonderful curves in the road.

    1. Indeed! Building on passion, that's my new favorite expression, thank you Joan!

  5. Congrats!
    I am going on my second year and hope to reach half as much writing success as you have in 4 years!

    Happy birthday!

    1. Murissa, you will, and more! Write from the heart and it will come back tenfold :)

  6. happy birthday lovely lola. that is a wonderful list of blogging blessings, very earned and deserved. and still, you always make me hungry.
    xxx love lori

    1. Bella Lori Ann!! Thank you for believing in me and this blog, and for always bringing a ray of warm California sunshine in my days.

  7. Congratulations to you! I wish you more success in the days to come....kudos!

  8. Replies
    1. Is that how it's called?! :D Grazie my friend, muse and guru. Baci

  9. congrats on your four years...and more play time...that is a wonderful thing...actually you have received many a blessing...enjoy that day with your son...

    1. Brian, it's true: I have received many blessings – and folks like you are in that wonderful pool!

  10. That's excellent. Look at all you've moved and manifested. It's amazing, and everything you touch is filled with beauty and sensitivity and FLAVOR. Congratulations. Uh, I'd really like to meet you one day. Like out of the cyber world, into the real world, know what I mean???

    1. It will happen very soon Diana! I know it!! Baci and again thanks for your amazing, trust-infusing words

  11. Brava, brava, brava, bravissima!! (imagine the song which goes with it!) )

    Complimenti and happy birthday or blogiversary as you friend pointed out!

  12. To a great blogger and inspiration to many, congratulations Eleonora. Enjoy your day!!!

    1. Thank you so much! And sorry for this very late reply!

  13. Auguri! Congratulations on the four years and your (successful) journey. Four more years! Four more years! :-)

  14. Many congratulations for your four years of blogging.
    Well, you've failed miserably!! ROFL (just joking) I still can't cook!! BUT all of your recipes look sinfully delicious!. The best thing for me during those four years is that I have had the pleasure of meeting you in BlogLand. Hugs ~ Eddie x

    1. Hahahahahah you crack me up, Edoardo. I love your British humor. Hugs

  15. Happy Day, You are one of my touchstones and teachers and I thank you for that. Have a lovely day with your boy Rx

    1. Thank you friend. We have to get the little ones together one day when the weather turns Mediterranean again... Villa Borghese?

  16. Mille complimenti Eleonora, you deserve all the good that's happening to you. I hope to get the chance to go to Rome again soon so we can meet and catch up. Kisses xx

  17. Happy Blogiversary!!!

    I remember a certain lunch four years ago and our discussion about the film biz and our place in it.

    How things have changed... in a good way.


    1. In a very good way! Look how far we've both come. Congratulations to us!! baci

  18. Congratulations on your blog and all the new exciting directions your life has taken. I'm so glad that turn in your road led to me---and knowing you is definitely one of my blessings of blogging. Sending much love and can't wait to visit Rome and eat spaghetti with you.

    1. I look forward to it too, and especially introducing you to the universe beyond just spaghetti :)
      I miss you!

  19. Ele-
    When I found and started to read A,O, & P I couldn't have imagined that I could find a new friend who lives in Roma, is half American, is/was in the film business like me, and could translate the broken Neapolitan dialect that was mangled by me trying to remember how my parents said it.

    It was my lucky day in Roma when we met for a macchiato and I hope we can do it again sometime.

    Thanking for letting me in and sharing so much. I wish you good luck for all you do. More emails for E coming soon....

    1. Thank you for believing in me! It's the trust, loyalty and sharing in my readers (friends) that gives me the urge to write and write and write!

  20. Happy Blogiversary! Long time reader, first time commenter. Congrats on the four year mark.

    1. Thank you for your kind comment, silent reader! I'm happy you come by, Carol. Ciao!

  21. Happy blog birthday!! Loving having found you. Sadly AFTER our recent visit to Rome but we did eat brilliantly nonetheless. Cannot wait to go back & try more places. Fav spots were most definitely in Testaccio. Oh I adore simplistic, divine dishes such as spaghetti aglio olio e peperoncino. Hungry now :)
    Heidi xo

    1. Testaccio is the birthplace of modern (if 19th century can be considered modern!) Roman cuisine, so yes, definitely the best place to hang out for simple, hearty fare.
      Come back soon! Ciao and thanks for your kind words :)

  22. Amazing how blogging can change our lives .. congratulations to you and such brilliant achievements too ... I love your recipes , even though I don't come over here much, .. Such a perfect meal for a celebration , how could you not .. Keep up your fantastic work. Ciao from Oxfordshire.

    1. Thank you Anne! I am touched by all this amazing display of affection and kudos. Readers and blog-friends like you are the reason I'm celebrating!

  23. Hi Eleonara - what a lovely blog; I regret it's taken 4 years to find it! I read a post that included you on Italian Reflections. It's my dream to visit Rome before I reach the half century mark, which is fast approaching for me. In the meantime I will visit here for authentic armchair travel. Ciao! Karen

    1. Fantastic! Well, you're always welcome in my little Roman kitchen. There's always something good to munch on, glass of wine, relaxed conversations... a few memories, if that's ok. I know you'll like it here. :) Ciao

  24. Congrats! Keep up the great job!
    Kisses from NYC!

  25. Congratulations Eleonora!

    Jeff in Minneapolis

  26. Wishing you continued success, Eleanora. It is richly deserved!

    1. Blushing. Thank you Francesco. Quando torni a Roma?

  27. Ohhhh....Happy Birthday! I was just reading your tweets and wondering how long ago it was that I read your poem that just touched my heart. My nephew is approaching his 4th birthday, so i must've been shortly after you started your blog! Congrats to you and becoming such an amazing success :)

    1. You are so sweet. I remember reading your comment and wiping a happy tear from my eyes. How fast they grow! My "little" boy is now 7!!!! Seven, I still canìt believe it :)
      Thanks for your continued affection and support, this blog and I owe it all you loyal friends like you.
