
May 30, 2013

Homemade pasta, is it really worth it?

In my recent article published on Plum Deluxe, I share my thoughts on this subject, analyzing the pros and cons.

I'm a single mom, working three jobs, and trying to keep my child healthy by serving the best possible food, and swearing by traditional methods. On the other hand, there are really only 24 hours in a day, and sometimes it's not that easy to whip up homemade pappardelle on a school night.

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  1. Great article! Certainly in the US, it really *is* worth it, because there is no real alternative if you want to experience fresh pasta, especially the more unusual shapes and fillings. Or the classics—it seems you can buy 'tortellini' in all sorts of sized and with all kinds of fillings, *except* the original...

  2. Great post! I don't make tagliatelle/ravioli/tortellini ecc.. very often, but when I can, รจ una grandissima soddifazione!
    Plus, it's fun for the kids too!
    Learining to make pasta is one of the best ways to bond with a family member or friend

  3. I agree: the fact that it takes time is both a pro and a cons. I tackle it every now and then but not too often.
    BTW, I love the idea of a "pasta mentor"!. I guess for me i had two: my nonnas. One is gone and the other one is 5,000 miles away, so I have become my own pasta mentor... and I guess I have also become a pasta mentor myself, to my own children.

  4. I usually convince students they are better off learning 4-5 fast sauces than learning to roll their own. Most do it once or never again once back home, whereas the quick ways with pasta can be an everyday help.

  5. Time, space. I can't provide more time, but I deal with the space issue by making orecchiette. Good suggestions (yours, not mine). Ciao. Ken

  6. Oh, if there were more hours in the day I'd certainly make my own pasta. It's so satisfying. I had a mini pasta festival in my head recently and posted on my blog 'The Good, the Bad and the Italian'. The post is 'Pasta Shapes my Memories'.

    Nice blog you have, by the way.

  7. I enjoyed your article very much!
