
Jun 4, 2013

Hot Cities Hot Chefs on TV

I was recently invited to guest appear on a new TV show called Hot Chefs, Hot Cities, the production called me as cucina romana consultant for the episode shot in Rome.

I spent the day with Ishai Golan, the host, famous for his popular show Street Food Around the World, which airs on NatGeoAdventure Channel, eating great food at one of my favorite restaurants and chatting with the fun crew. I don't know when the show will air, but Ishai contacted me and said the rough cut is great.

I can't wait to see it!


  1. That is very exciting! Wish I could see it.

  2. Looking forward to seeing it . . . . and . . . . you're lovely! Hugs ~ Eddie
    PS Thank you for your kind comment.

  3. Awesome!!
    Hope you enjoyed your time on TV and it creates big sales for you x

  4. Exciting! Do let us know when it will air. You look great,btw!

  5. Hello Eleonora, That is wonderful, sounds like a whole lot of fun...
    Looking forward to the airing!
    Your blog looks like a book from Rome, the choices of foods are fabulous!
    Thank you.
    All the best,Chuck
