
Nov 9, 2014

To market, to market...

On average, I usually shop at my local farmer's market three times a week. I've also been to virtually every mercato rionale (Rome's neighborhoods are known as "rioni") and often take gourmand visitors on market tours during which I explain seasonal variations and encourage them to taste local goods. Over time, I've become something of a market connoisseur.

Market shopping has little in common with impersonal supermarket hustle. It's a world unto itself with subtle protocols.
For those interested in the ancient art of market shopping, here's a brief collection of insider tips.

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  1. We all need markets like this , they are brilliant markets , I love just to walk around them and see the different verities of Fruit and Veg , and Fish etc.

  2. Nice post. Farmers' markets are the best way to shop. Here in Sydney, Australia they have been popping up in many suburbs and are very popular - can't believe we didn't have them until 15 years ago. I hate having to go into the big supermarkets when I need groceries that aren't available at the markets.
