
Feb 11, 2015

Aglio, Olio e Peperoncino nominated Best Food Blog!

I knew it was the flu coming. Those initial aching symptoms, head, bones, eyelids... everything starts aching. It was past the day of my blog's 6th birthday and I couldn't find the energy or desire to celebrate. That gloomy morning, all I wanted to do was just lay in bed, and feel very sorry for myself.

Lazily checking my blog reader I chanced upon the Italy Magazine Annual Blog Awards post, and eager to find out this year's fortunate nominees, I clicked through to the shortlist.

My heart skipped a beat. And it wasn't the flu.

Aglio, Olio e Peperoncino has been nominated for Best Food Blog!

Yes, it has! If you've been reading this blog for the past 6 years, or have just arrived here, you need to know this is a very big deal for me. Blogging has changed my life, and Aglio, Olio e Peperoncino, a crazy long name with an impossible URL, is the butterfly cocoon.

Italy Magazine is a platform on all things Italian: food, lifestyle, language, culture, art, fashion, accommodation, travel and more. Every year the magazine gathers nominations for a number of categories honoring the best in food, travel, art & culture, fashion and living in Italy. My little food blog – started on the rainy night of January 24th, 2009 – is now in very good company, nominated along with 9 other great blogs in the running for Best 2014 Food Blog. I still can't believe it.

Want to help me win, and appropriately celebrate 6 years of happiness? If you're an Aglio, Olio e Peperoncino fan – PLEASE VOTE!

It takes a few seconds and there is no registering required, all you have to do is click on Vote for Best Food Blog under Aglio, Olio e Peperoncino, and you're done!

Here, I'll provide the link for you:

I really appreciate your vote! If you think anyone else might like to vote for me too, it would be great to share the news with them ;-) Voting closes on February 27th, winners will be announced March 3rd.

And if I win, there will be pizza and bubbly for everyone ;)

Until then, GRAZIE and buon appetito!


  1. Happy blog anniversary and best wishes for many more!
    Get well soon and good luck with the "Best Food Blog" nomination,

  2. P.S.: I went and voted. Really easy! Good luck, Eleonora!

  3. Congratulations, Eleonora! You've got my vote!

  4. You've got my vote. Good luck!
