Jul 26, 2016

And then there was cheese

I think an apology is in order.

I update this blog irregularly.

The occasional posts I have been publishing are for the most part links to other sites to which I have contributed my writing.

It's not that I've been lazy, though.

Designing, developing and leading food, wine and cooking adventures in Rome, Florence, Sicily Naples & Amalfi for Casa Mia Italy Food & Wine, the company I co-founded, has definitely kept me busy.

And then there was cheese.

Another reason for not being consistent with blogging is that I've been all over Italy filming a cheese show called ABCheese. I wrote a few posts on this topic and an article for my column on The American. The show airs on Italian cable TV, with plans to hopefully sell internationally soon. I will keep you posted when that happens.

In the meantime, if you're interested in learning what the show is about, and watch me make silly faces when I taste amazing Italian cheese, you can click on the link to enjoy episode 1 of season 1 (uploaded in Italian with no subtitles).

Buona visione!


  1. You have been busy!! What a tough job -- cheese tasting. But someone has to do it for us, right? I can't wait to see the video -- a dopo!

  2. I look forward to having access to the program in California, please keep your readers posted!

  3. Ciao Eleonora! è stato così divertente che si guarda nello show. sei meravigliosa!

  4. As a cheese maven, I've really enjoyed the clips of show you've put online--now I'd love to see an entire episode!

    1. Click on the link at the bottom of the page and enjoy! ; )

